Wednesday, April 8, 2020


Below: The original photo and different images I used in the new version.

For this self-portrait project involving autoscopy, I wanted to involve my interest in stars and butterflies. I incorporated butterflies into the background and as part of my “tattoos”. In real like I would never get any tattoos so this image shows a version of myself in an alternate universe where I do have tattoos. I have tattoos on my face, neck, and arm. In the original picture, there are no stars in the background just a dark greyish sky so I incorporated a fun star background, which I wish I saw in person at the time of the original picture but sadly did not. I always added a purple alien to tie into the star background. My pants are a brighter and more vibrance blue and they also have an L pattern on them. This same L pattern can be found on my shoes too, which I changed to a yellowish coloring. My shirt has a phrase on it in the new photo, saying, Love. The Love is created using clip masking with a blue and white stripe pattern that is similar to my pants. The alien is also branded with my L from the L pattern as well as my logo tag; there is also a rough pastel filter placed on the aline as well. I added a bars and tones overlay since I thought it would add more cool and interesting colors to the picture. I blurred the edges and entire parts of some aspects like the butterflies, L pattern, and tattoos to try and emulate a more natural look. The layer blending I choose was pass-over and dissolve, again to try and give the image a natural look without altering the saturated and vibrant coloring. It took me a total of 7.5 hours to complete this assignment.


  1. Positive Feedback:
    1. I liked how you incorporated your interests to help make the picture!
    2. I like that you are able to find the L in different parts of the picture.
    1. I would have made the bottom half squares darker like the top ones.
    Other comments/questions:
    1. Overall it looks like a fun project and was done well! What was the hardest part about this assignment?

  2. Thanks for the feedback! the hardest thing I would say was adding the stars in the background.

  3. I think you did a great job on this project. The colors are great, and the butterflies and alien add a super cool and personal touch to it. I also really liked how you made the sky pop in the background. Maybe next time you could make the railroad tracks into something that goes with the theme. Nice job.

    1. Thanks for the feedback Jacoby! I agree I should maybe add some stars or even change the colors of the railroad tracks. Great suggestion!

  4. YO I LOVE THIS!!! It's so fun and bright and I love this style so much!!! Also, great touch with the "L" design, I saw it right away. I think if I gave any feedback, it would be the placement of the alien... I think if he were on your side by your feet to the left, it would balance the piece a little more, but other than that this is so awesome, I really dig it!

  5. I love the space sky in the background, I think it resembles one of the main themes of the image. I feel like the bottom left square is an outlier but, I love the concept. I really like how you added the art to your clothes too.
