Sunday, February 23, 2020

Calligram Project

It Get's Wild

Concept Statment:

It Gets Wild is inspired by the words of “Wild  Nights - Wild Nights!” by Emily Dickinson and by the famous painting The Storm on the Sea of Galilee by Rembrandt van Rijn and also The Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh.


Artist Statment:
The inspiration for It Gets Wild came originally from the words of “Wild Nights - Wild Nights!” by Dickinson which is viewed as a “romantic and permissions” poem, I did not want to take the obvious appearance of doing a heart. When I read the poem I imagine that two lovers are on a boat from the content of words and phrases like, “port”, “compass”, “rowing”, and “Ah- the- sea!” The poem is titled “Wild Nights”, and a wild night at sea immediately makes me think of The Storm on the Sea of Galilee by van Rijn. It was from there that I decided to use the words of Dickinson in collaboration with attempting to recreate van Rijn’s painting but I wanted to involve an aspect that made it seem that the picture was "alive”. I attempted to recreate the technique Vincent van Gogh used in The Starry Night to have peace become vibrant and to life. It Gets Wild took about five hours to create. In my original design, I  wanted the background and certain aspects to resemble the style of van Gogh’s Starry Night. I wanted to emulate the brush stroke through words to create the appearance of multiple layered strokes. However, I was only able to achieve that in the section that represents light. When I attempted to manipulate that technique when building the ship, the overall product wasn’t as sharp, crisp, and precise looking as I would’ve liked it. For the ship, I decided to use a variety of large and small font sizes depending on the amount of detail I wanted in that specific area. It was important for me to involve and encourage some type of movement within the piece which I was able to do through the same of the sails and the wave. I want the piece to feel as lively as the original.

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